Dental care is important throughout your life, as dental and oral infections strain the body’s defences and pose a threat to your overall health. Oral health poses many challenges for older people, an increasing number of whom still have their own teeth. Poor oral health can be a contributing factor in (e.g.) circulatory diseases.
Regular dental and oral check-ups are important for your overall health.
Some medical conditions can affect the way dental care can be given and also the need for dental treatments. Such conditions include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and its treatments, mucosal diseases, prosthetic joints and artificial heart valves.
As you get older, you often need medication, which your dentist should be aware of before giving you dental treatment. An example of such medication is blood thinners, whose INR levels are closely monitored. It is important that your medication is well balanced when you come to the clinic. If you have any questions about your medication, you can contact us in Tampere on 03 3124 6600 or in Mänttä on 03 4747 345.
Services available for the elderly include:
- Check-ups
- Oral hygienist services
- Fillings
- Root canal treatments
- Tooth extractions
- Treatment of gum diseases
- Prosthetic treatments
- Denture conditioning
- Examination and treatment of oral diseases